SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Protection

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep2 – Protection
First Aired: 21 September 2002
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Lara begins her court trial and suffers flashbacks and the bad memories associated with her assault. New SHO locum Heather Lincoln arrives and doesn’t go unnoticed by Simon, who gives her a guided tour – Colette teases ‘Does the tour include the cold showers?’. Later Dillon unwittingly starts to undress in the staff room, unaware Heather is enjoying the view. Heather, is quick to forget about a drink with Simon after shift, and is about to proposition Dillon, when Simon walks in. Heather gets Duffy’s back up by bluffing her way through a patient’s case and getting Harry on her side – and Duffy becomes more unhappy when her mother is brought in to the department, seriously ill with breast cancer. Finn is unhappy when he finds he is named in Comfort’s divorce papers.


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