SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Fallen Hero

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S18Ep24 – Fallen Hero
First Aired: 14 February 2004
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Lara is confused by her Valentine’s present – the adoption of a koala at Holby Zoo. She suspects Harry and asks Abs for his opinion, who is amused by someone likening Lara to a koala, “cute, cuddly, Australian, aggressive when provoked…!”

Harry later asks Lara how many Valentines she received, confirming her suspicions about the identity of her secret admirer. She makes it clear that his efforts are unappreciated.

A woman, Anne, with severe abdominal pain is brought in with a very concerned husband, Matt. Ann has been trying for a baby and worries that she could be miscarrying after finally getting pregnant. Matt eventually confesses to Tess and Harry, that Ann had been slimming to increase her chances of conceiving but Matt was jealous of the attention she attracted when she was slimmer, and so had been putting steroids in her food to make her gain weight. They are all furious, and Ann doesn’t want to see Matt ever again, especially as she has peritonitis and may lose the baby she had tried so hard for.


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