SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – No Place Like…

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S21Ep12 – No Place Like…
First Aired: 2 December 2006
Character: Harry Harper

Description: A homeless woman called Jackie is admitted to the ED. However, she walks out, despite being told that she has gangrene in her foot and will lose it if she leaves. Jackie returns to the streets and goes to an internet café when, suddenly, a car crashes into it at high speed. Jackie and a young man are trapped in the rubble and Maggie, Charlie and Josh are faced with an agonising decision – whether to amputate Jackie’s leg at the scene or risk both patients dying. Meanwhile, Maggie agrees to go out on a date with Charlie and Josh looks after Louis. Louis, is a handful, falls over and cuts his face. Josh tries to help him but spiteful Louis lies to Charlie, saying that Josh hit him. Elsewhere, Nathan goes on the radio to gain public attention for the plight of the ED. He is surprised when the rest of the staff are not impressed with his interview and he feels isolated. He decides to put his needs first, and makes a decision about the future.


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