Simon News – Simon is NOT on FaceBook

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I’ve had a number of emails about this from members from this site saying ‘Simon MacCorkindale’ has added them as a friend on Facebook. I already knew if it was true or not, however I did ask Simon the question. (I think a lot of members also knew the answer too)

Simon MacCorkindale wrote:
No I am not on facebook or any other site other than your official site and the few other unofficial ones that I have no contact with.

I was impressed by that response – I was expecting ‘What’s Facebook?’

Suffice to say I expect the ‘Susan George’ one to be the same.

Simon is not connected with any Facebook profile or group

This site however is connected to 2 3 Facebook groups/pages (Simon MacCorkindale Fans,  Corky for PM and Simon MacCorkindale Page)

Feel free to keep them as a friend if you wish as long as it’s harmless fun but just be careful and wary of what you say to them and what, if anything, they ask from you. I want our member to be safe online by giving them the truth

If you want to dicuss this please use the topic on the forum

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