Archive for the ‘Titbits’ Category

Titbits – August 1987

Sexy SUSAN GEORGE, married for three years to screen heart-throb Simon MacCorkindale, says it was the thought of having children that decided them to tie the knot.

“It was Easter,” says Susan. “Simon mentioned how wonderful it would be when we had children of our own to enjoy Easter bunnies.

“I didn’t say anything immediately and I’m sure Simon must have thought he’d overstepped the mark that time. Then I said yes, I would marry him.

“Now we long to have children. But at 37 I don’t have many child-bearing years left.”


Titbits – 7th May 1986

Has Susan found real love at last?

(Mainly a Susan George article)

SUSAN GEORGE is in love again .., but this time it’s not just a flight of fancy. Her boyfriends, you tend to think, have outnumbered her movies.

There was a five-year, scorching romance with American singer Jack Jones – “When it ended,” she said, “I was heartbroken.”

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Titbits – 18 February 1984

Beast Get The Beauty

Manimal star is set to marry Susan George

BRITISH actor Simon MacCorkindale is about to take on the most important role of his life – husband to beautiful actress Susan George. They plan to marry as soon as his busy Hollywood schedules permit.

“We spend every spare moment together,” says Simon, 32, who shares a love-nest in plush Beverly Hills with Susan. It’s his second marriage – the first, to actress Fiona Fullerton, broke up after Simon made it clear he wanted to be a superstar – but it’s Susan’s first trip down the aisle.

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Titbits – 19th-25th October 1978

Simon’s name should go up in lights

(if they can spell it)

When Bette Davis turns up for a scene 10 minutes early, then that must be the way to behave.

No egos. No temperament. Sheer discipline. That’s Simon MacCorkindale’s view of cinema stardom

And he should know, having just finished filming Agatha Christie’s Death On The Nile with stars of such calibre as Peter Ustinov, David Niven and, of course, Miss Davis.

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