Susan George Twitter/Facebook Photo
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
Susan posted a photo of her and the MacCorkindales over Christmas on her Twitter and Facebook pages.
Lovely photo showing Simon’s mother, brother and nephews
Via Twitter
Tuesday, December 31st, 2013
Susan posted a photo of her and the MacCorkindales over Christmas on her Twitter and Facebook pages.
Lovely photo showing Simon’s mother, brother and nephews
Via Twitter
Sunday, August 12th, 2012
A sample of some of Simon’s voice-over work:
I can’t remember which site I got this from but I’ve searched and cannot find it online anymore
Wednesday, July 1st, 1998
Internationally recognised as an award-winning actor, director, producer and screenwriter, Simon MacCorkindale personifies the suave, sophisticated British leading man, a role he very much brought to life in the USA Cable/ALLIANCE/TFl France co-production series COUNTERSTRIKE (66 episodes), in which he starred as ex-Scotland Yard inspector Peter Sinclair in front of the cameras, and acted as executive production consultant behind them.
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