SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Baby Blues

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep37 – Baby Blues
First Aired: 31 May 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Colette tells Simon he is responsible for their child’s genetic abnormalities and decides to keep the baby after Comfort offers her support, but a nasty jolt in the back of the ambulance prompts her to go for an ultrasound scan. Nikki finds a compromise between work and play and Vinnay harasses Jack for the £300,000 Eddie owed him

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Out on a Limb

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep36 – Out on a Limb
First Aired: 17 May 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Jack tells Tony he plans to propose to Nikki, but Bex overhears and the gossip spreads like wildfire, making him fear the object of his affections may be the last to know of his intentions. Luke is called to an incident which reawakens old memories, while Colette receives her test results and is shocked when Josh attends the meeting

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – An Accident Waiting to Happen

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep35 – An Accident Waiting to Happen
First Aired: 10 May 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Jack and Tony put their differences aside as they say their goodbyes to Eddie, while Lara and Luke are forced to acknowledge they may have been wrong about one another. Simon’s bad mood makes him less than sympathetic toward staff and patients alike, and matters come to a head when Colette breaks the news to him that her child will have learning difficulties

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Hurt the One You Love

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep34 – Hurt the One You Love
First Aired: 3 May 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Anna tells a desperate Merlin that they can’t be together, and Jack and Tony say their final goodbyes to Eddie as he succumbs to a postoperative infection. Meanwhile, Simon is heartbroken when Jane stakes a claim for her independence and leaves.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Getting Through

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep33 – Getting Through
First Aired: 26 April 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: While treating an injured man, Lara suddenly finds herself in a life-threatening situation, Merlin discovers a terrible secret about Anna but is unable to discuss it with her, and Jack is distraught when his father wakes up from his transplant operation suffering from septicaemia.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Stuck in the Middle with You

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep32 – Stuck in the Middle with You
First Aired: 19 April 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: New paramedic Luke spends his first day at work trapped in a cellar with a young girl following a gas explosion, Harry’s behaviour leads some members of the team to question whether he’s returned to work too soon, and Anna’s relationship with Merlin is put in jeopardy.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – The Point of No Return

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep31 – The Point of No Return
First Aired: 12 April 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Ryan returns and Duffy has to make a life-changing decision. Jack tries to persuade a reluctant Tony to accept Eddie’s offer of a kidney, and Simon is shocked when Jane leaves hospital early and refuses to let him care for her. Meanwhile, Anna is devastated when her mum reveals the truth about Merlin

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – An Act of God

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep30 – An Act of God
First Aired: 5 April 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: With the power down and the ED in chaos, Harry takes drastic measures to save a patient. As Merlin looks forward to meeting his birth mother, she has second thoughts, and Duffy is in for a shock when a familiar face returns to Holby.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Side Effects

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep29 – Side Effects
First Aired: 29 March 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: It’s Harry’s first day back at work after his wife’s death, and he puts himself in danger after overstepping the mark. Meanwhile, Bex calls the police when he sees Jack sneak into the hospital to see Tony.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – A Hard Day’s Night

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep28 – A Hard Day’s Night
First Aired: 22 March 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Harry returns to work after the death of his wife; Simon takes an unprofessional interest in Jane’s operation; when Colette is attacked by a patient’s relative, she is forced to reveal her pregnancy.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Keep It in the Family

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep27 – Keep It in the Family
First Aired: 15 March 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: After the death of an adopted patient, Merlin is compelled to search out his own birth parents, while Simon rushes Jane into casualty when she is diagnosed with a tumour, and Harry’s secret dinner date with Selena is interrupted when Tally crashes her car during a driving lesson with Beth.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Fool for Love

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep26 – Fool for Love
First Aired: 8 March 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Josh, in his new job as duty officer, clashes with Finlay over the treatment of a heart attack patient, while a face from the past ruins Ben’s plans for a romantic evening with Tony.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Dire Straits

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep25 – Dire Straits
First Aired: 1 March 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Events take a tragic turn when Jeff tactlessly threatens a highly-strung man while on a call-out with Nikki, and the arrival of an attractive neurologist causes problems between Harry and Charlie.

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Cult Times Special – March 2003

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Simon MacCorkindale as Harry Harper in CasualtyManimal Instinct

Simon MacCorkindale might now be more familiar for his role on Casualty, But we decide to remind him of his time when he could turn into any animal he wanted, in his superhero guise of … Manimal!

Possibly the most bizarre of a plethora of superhero action series that Glen Larson launched upon an unsuspecting television audience in the Eighties, Manimal starred Simon MacCorkindale as Dr Jonathan Chase, a tuxedo-clad university professor who helped the police using his unique special power. At the merest hint of trouble, he could turn into any animal he desired. Whether panther, elephant or mouse, a barrage of plastic special effects, throbbing foreheads and elongating fingers signaled his transformation as he stomped or scurried to thwart a dastardly crime. MacCorkindale took to the role with aplomb, a dashing hero with charisma and charm, but alas the combination of his debonair good looks and demented special effects were not enough and the show only lased for eight episodes after its star-studded pilot first aired.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Hitting Home: Part 2

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep24 – Hitting Home: Part 2
First Aired: 22 February 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: The paramedics are called out to Sheila’s house but are surprised to find it’s her daughter-in-law Jenny who’s in need of help, pushing Comfort into a confrontation. Has the family abuse gone full circle? Meanwhile, one of Jane’s clients is rushed to Holby City with a suspected heart attack

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Hitting Home: Part 1

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep23 – Hitting Home: Part 1
First Aired: 15 February 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Ryan is still AWOL with Duffy’s money, and this week Duffy puts her house up for sale in order to get the money back. Fin and Comfort are called to a suspected break-in and attack, and at the hospital Lara is treating her. Lara is concerned about her and offers her the chance to talk, she doesn’t take it up. Harry treats Anna’s mum, who wants to meet boyfriend Merlin. Tony asks Ben to move in with him. Comfort tries to talk to the attackee and tells her that she is always in the eyes of God. Colette meanwhile is doing a pregnancy test in the toilets, which comes out positive. It is Simon’s baby.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Love Hurts

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep22 – Love Hurts
First Aired: 8 February 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: It looks as if long-suffering Duffy’s beautiful dream may turn into a nightmare, as security guard Ryan proves to be nothing like the perfect man she’d hoped for. Dillon and Colette take it upon themselves to fight it out for her old job, and clash over the treatment of a malnourished toddler. Meanwhile, things seem to be running rather more smoothly for Tony and Ben, who decide their evening together was perhaps more than just a one-night-stand.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Flight

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep21 – Flight
First Aired: 1 February 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Duffy’s intended, Ryan, is obviously a wrong ‘un and yet everybody is wishing her well as she leaves Holby to set up home and a business with him. Receptionist Jack’s foray into his gangster dad’s twilight world forces him to make a big decision. Elsewhere, Harry and Beth’s relaxing sailing trip becomes a rescue mission when he spots another vessel in distress, which turns out to be packed with illegal immigrants from Kosovo. But not all of them are as helpless as they appear… The police close in on Jack

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Spiteful God

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep20 – Spiteful God
First Aired: 25 January 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: It’s trying times for everyone in this episode. While Josh can’t accept that he and Colette are history, receptionist Jack is having to do some dirty work for his gangster dad. Meanwhile, paramedic Fin’s daughter Emma, is brought into casualty with what looks like a nasty tummy bug. Fin is busy tending a young footballer with a broken leg and can’t attend to her and she gets worse. Not the best time for Charlie to return and there’s a further blow for him when Duffy announces she’s leaving to get married and set up a business.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Sins of the Father

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep19 – Sins of the Father
First Aired: 18 January 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Josh and Comfort stumble across a badly-injured Jack, while Dillon’s Good Samaritan skills are put to use on a neglected teenager with learning difficulties. Meanwhile, Simon’s new girlfriend, Jane, visits the department with a close friend suffering from a mystery illness.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Collision Course

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep18 – Collision Course
First Aired: 11 January 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Harry is determined to rid the department of time-wasters. But when a private patient is brought in suffering from post-operative complications, he wonders if he has been too quick to judge

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Friend or Foe

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep17 – Friend or Foe
First Aired: 4 January 2003
Character: Harry Harper

Description: A runaway electric saw is brought to life by a naughty youth, who breaks into a shed. When it’s blown up, the youth is not looking too good. Lara casts doubt on a young mother and Duffy sees a nursing colleague doing possibly the worst thing a person in nursing, could do. Also, Jack’s dad gets what has been coming to him and there’s a Mr Lambert who is still fighting the Korean War. Simon’s flirtation with a new arrival infuriates Colette, and Josh seems blissfully unaware of his marital problems

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Generation Series – Jan-Mar 2003

Manimal, The Legend of The Man Animal

Translated from the original French, so readability is a little strange.  Translated by SMCFP Member Nadeia

The man-animal, is one of the most popular myth: Minotaur, Sphinx, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Island of Dr Moreau, Tarzan, The Fly, Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk, Werewolf, the Beast of Gévaudan, Cat people, The Creature from the black Lagoon, and The Man from Atlantis, to list only the most famous which inspired widely legends, literature, movies, comics and television.

After the bionical man (the six million dollars man), knight rider (K2000), cybernetic man (Automan), the writer-producer-director Glen A. Larson and Donald Boyle, decided to adapt the myth of the man-animal.

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Living for the Moment

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep16 – Living for the Moment
First Aired: 28 December 2002
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Diane, a patient admitted early on, has Parkinson’s but her symptoms are not consistent with that disease. Could the fact that her police inspector husband’s been feeding her ecstasy tablets help explain her condition? Then what about the young man who woke up the night after the party with a cut on his head? Is he a clumsy drunk or just wasting valuable resources of the department? Having avoided her since the incident at the Christmas party, Simon finally admits to Colette that he wants nothing further from her. The question on everyone’s mind is why did Colette ever marry Josh? Meanwhile, Roxy becomes extremely close to a male patient; and after Nikki catches Fin and Comfort kissing she uses the knowledge to her advantage

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SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Some Comfort, No Joy and a Bit Too Much Love

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep15 – Some Comfort, No Joy and a Bit Too Much Love
First Aired: 21 December 2002
Character: Harry Harper

Description: It’s the staff Christmas party and everyone is in high spirits, except Josh, who has been delayed saving a child’s life. As a result, his wife Colette ends up dancing with Simon all night, and before long their flirtation turns into something a little more serious. Unfortunately, Josh has already seen the pair together and realised his wife looks happier than she has done in ages

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