Film Monthly – July 1989


SUSAN GEORGE and husband Simon MacCorkindale have had their baptism of fire as film producers. Under their production banner, Amy International, named after the character Susan played in Straw Dogs, they gave themselves the immensely difficult challenge of putting on screen the love story of Abelard and Heloise, those 12th century lovers doomed to tragedy, in Stealing Heaven, The mixed reviews were the sort that makes one wonder why you had put in so much time and effort. But Susan and Simon didn’t sit back and wait for the critical outcome. They have already made their second film That Summer Of White Roses into which Susan has put herself alongside Tom Conti and Rod Steiger, a less ambitious project than Stealing Heaven.

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Women’s Realm – 27th June 1989

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My Weekend

Actor turned film producer Simon MacCorkindale tells Sarah Craske about his weekends at home with Susan George

Simon MacCorkindale

I’ve practically forgotten what a typical weekend is like. Since I stopped acting and Susan and I set up our film company — Amy International — its become a seven-day-a-week job.

Generally, I’m an early riser. During the week, I have to get up at around eight and ifs pretty much the same at weekends. Susie is amazing. She wakes up, pops out of bed and gets going immediately. I take a little longer, but once I’m going you can’t stop me! I tend not to have a big breakfast. Eating is done with a certain degree of moderation these days, especially as life is more sedentary.

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Soap Opera Digest – 26th June 1989


After his stint as PC’s Greg Reardon, SIMON MacCORKINDALE hoped to make films through the production company that he owns with his wife, SUSAN GEORGE. They produced and starred in Stealing Heaven, then found out that the distributor went out of business. They were told that the film would be released on home video only, but that didn’t suit them. So, the duo got the theatrical rights back, held press screenings, and then managed to get it booked into theaters. Their determination paid off — the flick will be in theaters soon. Simon and Susan spent May at the Cannes Film Festival screening their second production, That Summer of Winter Roses, which stars Academy Award winner ROD STEIGER and TOM CONTI.

Hello – 13th May 1989

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Simon MacCorkindale and Susan GeorgeThe Sex Symbol Who Became a Big Film Mogul

(Mainly a Susan George article)

The new Susan George film, Stealing Heaven, which has just opened in London’s Shaftesbury Avenue, has one major difference from her other 30 or so films. It doesn’t have Susan George in it!

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Film Review – May 1989

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Susan George

The sex symbol turns movie mogul

(Mainly a Susan George article)

Actress Susan George has been ‘grown up’ for quite a few years now. Yet, despite the fact that she is happily married (to actor Simon MacCorkindale), and has matured into a well-known leading lady, many still associate her with her sexpot image of the late sixties.

Old images always seem to die hard, yet recently Ms. George has embarked on a new career, that of a producer with her own company, Amy International (named after the character she played in Straw Dogs).

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Sunday Mirror Magazine – 9th April 1989

Two’s Company

From glamorous actress to high-powered producer, Susan George has proved she’s a movie star to be reckoned with

When Susan George announced that  she was becoming a film producer her greatest fear – not being taken seriously – was evident from the start. Some could not contain their bemused amazement. I mean, everyone knew Susan: blonde, glamorous, seductive. But a film producer? Do me a favour.

So the shoulder-length hair which had been her hallmark for so long was cropped short; well-cut business suits replaced dresses, and designer handbags were dumped in favour of a leather briefcase. Financial men who had been looking forward to meeting Susan George, highly fanciable actress, suddenly discovered they were dealing with a single-minded businesswoman determined to get her own way.

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SMCFP On This Day: Twist of Fate – Part 1

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Series: Twist of Fate
Episode: Part 1
First Aired: 8 January 1989
Character: Manley-Jones

Description: After becoming involved in the July 1944 plot to kill Adolf Hitler, SS Colonel Helmut von Schraeder blackmails an SS doctor to perform plastic surgery, allowing von Schrader to assume the identity of a Jewish man named Benjamin Grossman.

SMCFP On This Day: Stealing Heaven

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Film: Stealing Heaven
First Aired: 20 May 1988

Description: Simon’s company Amy International produced this film that first aired on this day at the Cannes Film Festival.

Titbits – August 1987

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Sexy SUSAN GEORGE, married for three years to screen heart-throb Simon MacCorkindale, says it was the thought of having children that decided them to tie the knot.

“It was Easter,” says Susan. “Simon mentioned how wonderful it would be when we had children of our own to enjoy Easter bunnies.

“I didn’t say anything immediately and I’m sure Simon must have thought he’d overstepped the mark that time. Then I said yes, I would marry him.

“Now we long to have children. But at 37 I don’t have many child-bearing years left.”

SMCFP On This Day: Sincerely, Violet

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Film: Sincerely, Violet
First Aired: 18 June 1987
Character: Mark Jamieson

Description: Elizabeth is a historian who believes that she is on to the find of her career, but has difficulty getting access to the document that will prove her theory. In desperation, she and a friend decide to break into the owner’s house. She successfully gets in but is unexpectedly caught by the owner. She and the friend have to make up a story to get them out of trouble which eventually leads to string of events that lands Elizabeth in even more hot water.

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You Magazine – 14 June 1987

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The Complete Works Of Susan George

Susan George, fed up with being known more for who she’s going out with than the work she’s doing, wants to put the record straight – she’s happily married and has just produced a limited and illustrated edition of her poems

(Mainly a Susan George article)

Susan George sprawls against a sofa, mug of tea by her side, and squints slightly into the glow of the sinking sun. From outside, over the backwater of the Thames that slips by the bottom of the garden, come the muted sounds of dusk in semi-rural Berkshire. Comfortable in jeans and sweatshirt, happy in such a domestic setting, this surely cannot be the sex siren Susan George who paraded her nakedness across the cinema screen and pouted a path through the clubs and bachelors of London and Los Angeles.

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SMCFP On This Day: This Is Your Life – Susan George

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Series: This Is Your Life
Episode: S18Ep8 – Susan George
First Aired: 3rd December 1986

Description: Simon appeared with Susan on This is Your Life

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Cataclysm

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep29 – The Cataclysm
First Aired: 22 May 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase has a hemorrhage after being shot and requires immediate surgery. Eric and Melissa’s alliance is destroyed by Angela and Lance. Jordan is bailed out of jail by her mother and Greg and her alter ego is in complete control. Jordan gets the help she needs. Richard’s search for Cassandra reaches a climax when he finds her grave in England. He learns that she died while giving birth and Damon Rossini disappeared with the baby. Sabrina Cross shows up with his son, Michael back in San Francisco. A major earthquake hits the valley leaving the lives of many in danger.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Captive Hearts

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep28 – Captive Hearts
First Aired: 16 May 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase and Cole manage to find the cabin where Jeff is holding Maggie. Chase is shot though as they interrupt Maggie’s bid to escape. Angela stops her daughter and Dwayne’s wedding and tells them they can have a proper wedding back home. Li-Ying’s prediction of an earthquake in the valley comes true. Lance is ordered by Angela to break up Melissa and Eric’s partnership. Jordan is arrested.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Consumed

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep27 – Consumed
First Aired: 9 May 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Maggie becomes Jeff’s prisoner. Jeff then reads aloud to her the grizzly last chapter of his novel to her. Emma comes up with a solution for her and Dwayne’s housing problem. Angela follows them when they leave for Reno to get married. Jordan ends up accepting help from her mother. Terry ends up admitting to Chase about Richard’s dealings with Miss Jones.

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Titbits – 7th May 1986

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Simon MacCorkindaleHas Susan found real love at last?

(Mainly a Susan George article)

SUSAN GEORGE is in love again .., but this time it’s not just a flight of fancy. Her boyfriends, you tend to think, have outnumbered her movies.

There was a five-year, scorching romance with American singer Jack Jones – “When it ended,” she said, “I was heartbroken.”

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Cease and Desist

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep26 – Cease and Desist
First Aired: 2 May 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase manages to get a restraining order stopping Jeff from going anywhere near his wife. Jeff leaves notes for Maggie and she realizes he is secretly watching her. Peter isn’t happy when Angela throws his son out of the house. Cole confronts Li-Ying when he catches her trespassing and surveying for earthquakes. Wicker is asked by Chase to investigate the financing of Tuscany Downs.

Read more… – L.A. Drive Guide – May 1986

Susan George and Simon MacCorkindale
Wedded to the Screen and Each Other

This site looks like it’s no longer online, so here is the full article.

Celebrities come and go in Hollywood. Those who stay possess something unusual, something more than just talent. Wits may call it luck, and perhaps sometimes luck does make a difference. But mostly what makes the difference is business smarts talent plus an ability to grasp the complex imperatives that drive both the industry and careers.If any two people working in the entertainment industry possess that extra “plus” it’s Susan George and Simon MacCorkindale, whose 1984 marriage on the island of Fiji made international headlines. MacCorkindale, who first drew major audience attention in Death on the Nile, has labored as lawyer Greg Reardon on the hit nighttime soap Falcon Crest for the last two years. Susan George has been delighting audiences worldwide from her debut in Michael Game’s Billion Dollar Brain through over two dozen screen appearances to 1984’s hit film The Jigsaw Man, also with Michael Caine.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Dangerous Ground

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep25 – Dangerous Ground
First Aired: 11 April 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Maggie discovers some distressing facts about Jeff. Angela is able to maneuver Chase and Jeff into a confrontation. Furthermore, Jeff has purchased a powerful deer rifle. Greg finds out about Jordan sleeping with Lance and he later meets her alter ego ‘Monica’. Richard wants Jordan to represent Julia in her retrial. Chao-Li is shocked when the daughter he has never met pays a visit. Emma and Dwayne look for a property to buy. Angela attempts to make a deal with Richard for The New Globe. Melissa and Eric struggle to keep their relationship strictly business.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Unholy Alliances

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep24 – Unholy Alliances
First Aired: 4 April 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela and Peter are married after Angela finds out he took her money to stop her from being prosecuted for arranging the hijacking of Chase’s wine. Angela has to spend a short amount of time in jail until her bail is paid. Maggie is concerned about Jeff’s arrival in the valley. Angela learns that she is now Richard’s partner in Tuscany Downs. Angela isn’t happy when she finds out that Dwayne has moved into Falcon Crest. She also catches Lance in bed with Jordan.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – In Absentia

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep23 – In Absentia
First Aired: 14 March 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela returns to Falcon Crest and is furious when she finds out what Peter has been up to. Peter has disappeared with a large sum of Angela’s money. Richard finds out that Jordan has been talking to his wife about his financial problems and he also finds out that Peter has bought the mortgage on Tuscany Downs. Jeff follows Maggie back to the valley. Melissa tries to get Eric to go into partnership with her so that she wont have to sell her wine to Falcon Crest.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Hidden Meanings

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep22 – Hidden Meanings
First Aired: 7 March 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance is convinced that Peter is hiding something as he believes Angela would never give up control of Falcon Crest. Jeff’s advances are rejected by Maggie and he begins to have fantasies about her. Eric enjoys spending time with Melissa. Peter fires Greg after he refuses to follow his orders.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Law and Ardor

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep21 – Law and Ardor
First Aired: 28 February 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela disappears and Cole moves back home. Jeff follows Maggie around the country on her tour. Richard and Chase disagree on how to acquire more vineyards. Jordan turns to Greg for help and Terry hires a detective to follow her. Peter makes a dramatic return to Falcon Crest with Angela’s power of attorney. Lance learns something about Angela’s disappearance.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Flesh and Blood

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep20 – Flesh and Blood
First Aired: 21 February 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Peter is surprised when his children show up to see him at Falcon Crest. Angela manages to heal the rift between Peter and his daughter. Maggie meets Jeff Wainright when her book tour takes her to New York. Terry follows Jordan and sees what she is up to. Chase is determined to get his hands on his wine. At the custody hearing, Cole admits that he and Melissa would not make good parents to the baby.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Finders and Losers

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep19 – Finders and Losers
First Aired: 14 February 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Sofia finds herself in the same predicament as Lance and her father when she tries to reason with Phillippe. Following a shootout everyone is freed. When Lance fails to contact her, Angela flies to Europe with Greg to look for him. Emma and Dwayne are able to find Ursula in Mexico and rescue her with the help of a local police captain. Chase puts a plan into action to get even with Angela. Jordan continues to be concerned about not being able to remember things she has done. Maggie has a tour set up to promote her book. Melissa and Cole’s continual disputes cause Joseph to react violently.

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