SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Outcasts

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep4 – The Outcasts
First Aired: 19 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela is given a bugged falcon statue by the Cartel and they eavesdrop on her plan to gain control of The New Globe. Joel McCarthy, Terry’s ex husband arrives in the valley and claims that they were never divorced. He wants $25,000 from her to keep the truth a secret. Angela gives evidence to the plane crash investigators which implicates Chase. She later calls in a favor with Senator Silverlake. Angela takes over the newspaper after Emma gives her the stock she has.

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SMCFP On This Day: Matt Houston – Eyewitness

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Series: Matt Houston
Episode: S3Ep3 – Eyewitness
First Aired: 12 October 1984
Character: Robert Tyler

Description: Accused of being jealous, Matt is reluctantly faced with proving that C.J.’s newscaster boyfriend is a murderer.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Strangers

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep3 – Strangers
First Aired: 12 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela and Lance work against Chase in the FAA’s investigation into the crash. Buzz Whitehead is bribed by Angela to say that Chase had been drinking prior to the flight and had also ignored the fuel leak warning on the plane. Chase is determined to find out the truth about what happened and vows to make Richard pay if he finds out the Cartel are responsible. Gustav shows up in the valley determined to get his hands on the treasure buried under Falcon Crest. Angela, Lance and Greg work together to gain control of The Globe from Richard. After Maggie’s father shows up for a visit, Angela reveals to her that she is really adopted.

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Daily Mirror – 11th October 1984

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Susan weds in secret

Simon MacCorkindale and Susan George

ACTRESS Susan George has secretly married Simon MacCorkindale on the South Sea island of Fiji.

The British screen stars, pictured right, slipped quietly out of Hollywood to wed last week without telling even their closest friends.It is Susan’s first marriage. She once went out with Prince Charles.

Simon, star of the TV soap opera Falcon Crest, was previously married to actress Fiona Fullerton. He and Susan, both 35, had postponed the wedding four times.

SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Father’s Day

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep2 – Father’s Day
First Aired: 5 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase suffers with nightmares about the crash and is concerned that he could have done more to bring the plane into land safely. Greg Reardon is offered a job by Angela as her new lawyer and promises to help launch his political career in one year if he takes the position. Spheeris points a gun at Richard as he gets into his car. Richard refuses to help the Cartel get Falcon Crest. As Johann gets into his limousine it instantly explodes while Gustav watches pleased that his father is dead.

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SMCFP On This Day: Obsessive Love

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Film: Obsessive Love
First Aired: 2 October 1984
Character: Glenn Stevens

Description: A woman tries to create a relationship with the soap star who is the object of her obsession.

Star – Unknown Date October 1984

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Simon MacCorkindale and Susan GeorgeFalcon Crest star SIMON MacCORKINDALE (Greg Reardon) and SUSAN GEORGE have surprised their friends by suddenly eloping to the South Pacific. The ceremony was held in the romantic Fijian islands at a tiny historical village, and was performed by an Anglican minister. The groom and bride (a former flame of Prince Charles) plan to have another, quieter ceremony in their native England this Christmas.

SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Requiem

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep1 – Requiem
First Aired: 28 September 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Melissa and Cole wait at the rescue site as helicopters arrive with the survivors from the plane crash. Angela says that Philip is dead after being brought in. Michael is also revealed as having perished. Richard believes that the Cartel was responsible for what happened as Chase maintains convinced the plane was sabotaged. Angela thinks Chase is responsible for what happened and vows to make him pay. Linda is in a critical condition at the hospital and Cole makes plans with her for their future. Linda tells Cole how much she loves him and then passes away in his arms. Terry finds out that she is now a rich woman. The Cartel meet in Buenos Aires where Johann reveals that the ultimate goal is to reclaim a valuable Third Reich treasure buried under Falcon Crest.

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TV Guide (US) – August 4th 1984

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The Envelope, Please!

(Manimal Article)

Simon MacCorkindale as Jonathan Chase in Manimal

Apparently, every dog will have its day. Even Manimal, NBC’s late, unlamented adventure-drama about a crimebuster who could turn himself into various beasts at will. Some of those beasts have won Patsy Awards, given annually by the American Humane Association to non-human actors. Among the winners: leopards Dodger and Ivory; and Merlin, the hawk who doubled for series star Simon MacCorkindale (above) in his flightier moods. NBC had no comment. However, a spokesman for 20th Century Fox, which produced the series, did offer this: “We’re glad to get any recognition we can for the show. But we don’t think animal lovers will beat down NBC’s doors to get it back on the air.”

Woman’s Own – 17 March 1984

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Why They Won’t Let Us Marry

They’re regarded in Hollywood as the perfect couple. She’s Susan George,recently voted the sexiest woman in the world. He’s Simon MacCorkindale, star actor, and just as dishy. They’re both very much in love, they both want to marry. So what’s the problem? Shirley Flack reports

Simon MacCorkindale
(Mainly a Susan George article)

The love affair between Susan George and Simon MacCorkindale began just a year ago this month. They’re a handsome couple she, with a face for the 1980s and he, tall, blond and very, very British. Their affair seems made to match.

It’s based on a friendship of many years, of seeing each other through crises which, coincidentally, happened almost together. It seems fate set them on some predetermined path. And made sure they’d meet at the crossroads.

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Titbits – 18 February 1984

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Simon MacCorkindale and Susan GeorgeBeast Get The Beauty

Manimal star is set to marry Susan George

BRITISH actor Simon MacCorkindale is about to take on the most important role of his life – husband to beautiful actress Susan George. They plan to marry as soon as his busy Hollywood schedules permit.

“We spend every spare moment together,” says Simon, 32, who shares a love-nest in plush Beverly Hills with Susan. It’s his second marriage – the first, to actress Fiona Fullerton, broke up after Simon made it clear he wanted to be a superstar – but it’s Susan’s first trip down the aisle.

Read more… – Manimal Annual – 1984

SIMON MACCORKINDALE alias Jonathan Chase

This site looks like it’s no longer online, so here is the full article.    

Merely transforming into a wide variety of animals from a black leopard to a high flying hawk should pose no problem to British star Simon MacCorkindale, who stars as Jonathan Chase in the 20th Century- Fox Television series, “Manimal”.

“In recent pictures and series I’ve been shot and killed, had my hand bashed, was caught by a bullet in the shoulder, hanged, beheaded, drowned, hung in chains, tortured, and in “Jaws 3D”, I was devoured by a 35-ft. shark,” the handsome leading man confided.

MacCorkindale, who came to the United States in 1981, is a native of Cambridge, England, who made his professional stage debut at the Belgrade Theatre in Coventry, England, in “A Bequest to the Nation”. His first international television assignment was in Franco Zeffirelli’s Jesus of Nazareth ” in which he played Lucius, the centurion who was strongly featured in the last hour of the six-hours epic. Curiously enough, he also played Lucius, the son of Emperor Augustus, in “I Claudius”.

Among his roles on British TV have been Sir Thomas Walsingham in “Will Shakespeare”, Romeo in “Romeo and Juliet”, the callous vet in “Baby”, poet Siegfried Sassoon in “Out of Battle”, the naive Oxford graduate in Elinor Glyn’s “Three Weeks”, along with appearances in “Just William ” and Dr. Dady in the series set in a woman’s prison, “Within These Walls”.

What he considers the major break of his career was his being cast as Simon Doyle, the smooth, avaricious young murderer in “Death on the Nile”. He was presented to the Queen at the Royal Premiere in London, by which time he had completed a role in marked contrast, the tough sailor hero in Erskine Guilders classic spy story, “The Riddle of the Sands”.

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Obsessive Love – Press Pack – 1984

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A Biography of Simon MacCorkindale

Simon MacCorkindale is undoubtedly the only actor in theatrical history to go from a guest-starring role on TV’s “The Dukes of Hazzard” to performing the title role of “MacBeth” on the London stage.

In the Moonlight Productions II telefilm “Obsessive Love” the handsome actor gets to play another new character. Simon is the star of a television soap opera who finds himself caught up in a dangerous and bizarre love affair with one of his fans, Yvette Mimieux.

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Film Review – January 1984

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Simon MacCorkindale as Philip FitzRoyce in Jaws 3LIFE’S FAR FROM SIMPLE FOR SIMON

IAIN F. McASH interviews SIMON MacCORKINDALE, a star of ‘JAWS 3-D’, who hasn’t stopped working since he went to Hollywood three years ago

Husky British actor Simon MacCorkindale denies he has any affinity for sharks, yet admits that the voracious creatures have loomed large in his flourishing career these past twelve months.

He stars in Jaws 3-D which opens in Britain in time for Christmas, and he has the name part in a new American tv series called “Manimal” as a crime-busting professor with the advantage of being able to catch the bad guys by transforming himself at will into a panther, snake, bird – or even a shark!

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Night of the Beast

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep4 – Night of the Beast
First Aired: 17 December 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: Vacationing in a small town, Birch Hollow, JC is kidnapped by a woman who believes he is responsible for the disappearance of her brother. She locks JC in a crate. At the hotel, Ty & Brooke find criminals who plot to establish a casino.

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SMCFP On This Day: Jaws 3

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Film: Jaws 3-D
First Aired: 16 December 1983 (UK Release)
Character: Philip FitzRoyce

Description: The sons of police chief Brody must protect civilians at a Seaworld theme park after a 35-foot shark becomes trapped in the park with them.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Breath of the Dragon

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep8 – Breath of the Dragon
First Aired: 10 December 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: While visiting a friend in Chinatown, Jonathan discovers that there’s a gang who are shaking down everyone. He discovers that his friend’s grandson has joined the gang. They learn that the man behind the gang calls himself the Dragon who’s emulating a man who years ago demanded that people give him half their earnings, and if not they will receive the mark of the Dragon which are left at their door and if they still refuse they will feel the breath of the Dragon which is fire, which has been happening a lot. Jonathan learns he also has a gambling casino which he goes to and meets the man. Jonathan then tries to help his friend’s grandson but gets beaten by the Dragon. Later he challenges the Dragon to a fight.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Scrimshaw

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep7 – Scrimshaw
First Aired: 3 December 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: Jonathan, Brooke and Ty are at the beach with seaman and his grandson. They find a skeleton. It’s quite obvious the person was killed by boomerang that struck the head which was embedded in it. And the person was holding a scrimshaw. They notice something carved into it which is quite obviously a map. So they try to find out who the victim is and who the killer is. In the meantime, the seaman is keeping something from them.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – High Stakes

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep5 – High Stakes
First Aired: 5 November 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: Jonathan and Ty are at the race track. A female horse owner sees another racing and thinks that it’s her horse which was stolen sometime ago. She confronts the man who owns the horse and says she’s wrong but she insists she’s right. Jonathan decides to help her.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Female of the Species

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep3 – Female of the Species
First Aired: 28 October 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: A girl was found in India apparently raised by wolves and brought to the U.S. and is being kept at a university while she is being studied. Jonathan attends a lecture and it’s during the lecture her habitat is set on fire. Jonathan tries to save her but she runs away. When she sees Jonathan transform she trusts him. Jonathan takes her to his home and tries to communicate with her. The scientist who found demands she be returned to him but Jonathan thinks she’s in danger.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Night of the Scorpion

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep6 – Night of the Scorpion
First Aired: 21 October 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: A man is found dead on a ship with a venomous spider next to him. Jonathan is brought in and he doesn’t think the spider is the cause of death. An autopsy is done and it’s discovered that he had some kind of drug in his system. A drug that is kind of truth serum and he had a bad reaction to it.

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Illusion

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep2 – Illusion
First Aired: 14 October 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: Jonathan is helping the police apprehend the man behind a smuggling ring. But they discover that the man is a diplomat with diplomatic immunity. Jonathan follow him and sees him talking to a magician. Later the magician appears to have been killed by the leopard he uses is in his act. His partner says that his partner always went near the leopard and nothing happened. Rivera says that the leopard by law has to be put down. Jonathan doesn’t think the leopard killed the magician. They try to find out what the connection between the diplomat and the magician is

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SMCFP On This Day: Manimal – Manimal

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Series: Manimal
Episode: S1Ep1 – Manimal
First Aired: 30 September 1983
Character: Jonathan ‘JC’ Chase

Description: Jonathan Chase is a British college professor at New York University who has the unusual ability to transform into any kind of animal he wants. He decides to use his power to assist the New York Police Department in solving unusual crimes, and in this series pilot, he teams up with cute cop Brooke and war buddy Ty to stop some terrorists from stealing a supply of toxic gas.

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SMCFP On This Day: The Making of ‘Jaws 3-D’ – Sharks Don’t Die

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Documentary: The Making of ‘Jaws 3-D’: Sharks Don’t Die
First Aired: 15th July 1983

Description: Academy Award winner Lou Gossett Jr. takes you underwater on the trail of the great white one and behind the scenes of the latest JAWS movie.

Simon Says – Issue 3 – Part 5 of 5

Spotlight on Simon – Part III

LP: Tell us about your movie Riddle of The Sands.

SM: Yes, it’s a film I made in 1977 with Michael York and Jenny Agutter.


LP: Tell us about that character

SM: He’s one of my favourite characters, a guycalled Arthur Davies.  He’s from a book, a classic novel written in 1901 by an Irishman called Erskine Childers.  The story basically is about Arthur, who goes sailing around the Friesian Islands just off the north coast of Germany, and while he is there he comes upon some strange goings on and discovers that there is a plot to invade England by the Kaiser, which flat bottom boats coming over to the east coast.  He calls his friend from the foreign office who is a guy called Carouthers, played by Michael York, and between us we go about finding out what is going on and we actually manage to stop it.

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