Posts Tagged ‘Facts and Answers’

Simon Says – Issue 2 – Part 7 of 9

Facts and Answers

How long have you been in the U.S.

I have been in the U.S. since February 1981, thought I visited off and on for two years prior to that.  I am glad to be in America and delighted so many Americans seem to like my work.


What do you miss most about England?

My Family. (Parents, Jill and Peter MacCorkindale, and brother, Duncan.  Duncan, an accountant, is two years eight months younger than Simon.)

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Simon Says – Issue 1 – Part 4 of 9

Facts and Answers

This column, FACTS AND ANSWERS, is designed to answer all your questions about Simon.

Basics:  Simon is 30 years old and his birthday is February 12th.  He is single, 6ft tall, 175lbs and has blue eyes.

He doesn’t smoke, drink or take drugs (never has done the latter)

He drives a Mazda RX7 – silver-blue, with blue, black and white racing stripes.  No personalized plates though, he finds them too conspicuous.  His CB handle is “Corky” which is a childhood nickname.

His special unreadable signature was created “a long time ago during a Maths class”

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