Posts Tagged ‘Falcon Crest’

SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Changing Partners


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep7 – Changing Partners
First Aired: 15 November 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance trades his share in The New Globe with Richard for his share in the radio station. Terry refuses to sell Angela her land and in anger Angela goads Terry into investing in Tuscany Downs. Angela is pressed by Peter to set a date for their wedding. Father Christopher tries to sort out the problems between Cole, Robin and Melissa. Melissa admits to him that she is no longer in love with Cole. Emma meets a truck driver named Dwayne.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Sharps & Flats


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep6 – Sharps & Flats
First Aired: 8 November 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance pays for Apollonia’s demo record and then parties at Falcon Crest with her and her friends. Angela isn’t happy with his involvement with Apollonia. Lance is able to outwit his grandmother by reclaiming the publisher’s position at The New Globe. Maggie starts to remembers thing when she argues with Chase about Connie. Angela is blackmailed by Peter into agreeing to become his wife. Melissa seeks solace with Father Christopher when Robin stops her spending time with Cole.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Ingress & Egress


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep5 – Ingress & Egress
First Aired: 1 November 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance saves Angela and Emma after the house is set alight. Cassandra realizes her mother started both fires. Chase wants to renew his marriage vows with Maggie who is still suffering with amnesia. Angela mentions Chase’s relationship with Connie at the wedding. The assassin is caught as he tries to take Richard out again. Lance tries to help a singer he meets with her career. Cassandra ends up selling Falcon Crest to Peter.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Echoes


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep4 – Echoes
First Aired: 25 October 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Maggie turns down Chase’s advances when he tries to help her get her memory back. Peter asks Angela to become his wife but all her thoughts are on saving Falcon Crest. Father Christopher gets to know his family better. Angela and Greg try to prove that Anna had a motive to be Dominic’s killer. Anna sets fire to Angela’s bedroom after sneaking in unseen. Richard is shot but is unhurt as he is wearing a bulletproof vest.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Blood Brothers


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep3 – Blood Brothers
First Aired: 18 October 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela turns to Peter Stavros for help in keeping her empire intact. Maggie goes to stay at an isolated cabin after she questions Richard about their relations before the explosion. Father Christopher causes problems for Angela. Peter meets with Cassandra and Anna and makes them an offer to buy Falcon Crest. Angela is forced to tell Father Christopher more about his background.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Unfinished Business


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep2 – Unfinished Business
First Aired: 11 October 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela finds herself reluctantly welcoming Father Christopher to the valley knowing the problems it could cause in the future. Greg looks into Anna’s past. Richard receives new threats. After Melissa is released from jail she returns home and witnesses a disturbing situation between Robin and her husband. Lance ends up in Terry’s arms.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Phoenix


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep1 – The Phoenix
First Aired: 4 October 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Maggie suffers from amnesia following the explosion. Maggie is taken home by Chase. Angela is forced to reveal a secret in her effort to keep Falcon Crest. Richard decides to make himself the target to flush out the killer into the open who was responsible for his and Maggie’s injuries. Jordan Roberts is employed by Richard as his new lawyer.

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111 views – TV Daily – August 1985

Simon MacCorkindale:
He Makes Love For Money

This site looks like it’s no longer online, so here is the full article.

Not too long ago, the prestigious Los Angeles Times published a long story about the new stars of tomorrow. They were all under 25, some under 20, and while the young men might make some young girls’ hearts go pittypat, women who are looking for real MEN won’t find the answer in these heartthrobs.

So let us consider British Simon MacCorkindale, who can and probably does raise blood pressure in all women. He’s tallЧsix feet. He’s slim, about 165 pounds. He has fashionably coiffed hair, not too long, not too short. It’s sort of brownish blond. Perhaps a bit sunbleached because he plays a lot of tennis. And this writer’s notes read “Honorable blue eyes.” It was a first impression obviously.

What ARE honorable blue eyes? That’s opposed to shifty. Here is a man you can trust. A stalwart soul who’s wondrously attractiveЧthe English accent just adds to his charm. And a wicked sense of humor goes with the package.

For those who haven’t been paying attention this year, Simon plays Greg Reardon, the attorney on CBS’ “Falcon Crest.” To date this season, he has dallied with Ana Alicia, who plays Melissa; with Sarah Douglas, who’s Pamela and with Laura Johnson, as Terry. The latter two women, he confides, are leaving the show at the end of this season. Out in the real world, Simon is married to actress-producer Susan George.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Avenging Angel


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep30 – The Avenging Angel
First Aired: 24 May 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela’s plan to regain control of Falcon Crest fails after a competitor wins the Helios bid. Angela still remains unaware that Cassandra now holds the liens on their shares. Anna Rossini, Cassandra’s mother, shows up and now that her daughter owns two-thirds of Falcon Crest she looks forward to vengeance against Angela. Chase is offered a partnership by Connie in the Giannini Winery. Maggie catches them celebrating and announces that she is going to move out. After Angela testifies on Melissa’s behalf, she is given a lenient sentence of 60 days in jail. In return Melissa has to give to Angela the Agretti harvest. Lorraine’s condition takes a turn for the worse and Lance has to decide whether to turn off her life support system. Maggie finds comfort with Richard at his house as an explosion at the property happens.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Confessions


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep29 – Confessions
First Aired: 17 May 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lorraine becomes depressed in the hospital at the loss of her baby and she misses Lance. Lance shares his concerns about Lorraine with Angela when she visits him at the jail. Pamela gives Maggie a tape to listen to. Maggie and Greg play the tape and hear Richard bribing the judge on it. Melissa admits the truth to Cole about hiring Joel to frame Lance. Cole shocks Melissa when he tells her that the surrogate mother idea worked because Robin is pregnant with his child. Judge Holder is forced to drop the charges against Lance. Lance goes to the hospital, where he has a judge marry him and Lorraine.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Cold Comfort


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep28 – Cold Comfort
First Aired: 10 May 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance refuses to board the boat until he gets an answer from Angela as to why Lorraine is not there. Lance calls Falcon Crest and learns that Lorraine has had an accident and is in a coma. Lance risks his freedom to go see her and urges her to fight before being taken away by the police. When Lorraine wakes up from her coma, she pleads with Richard to stop Lance from being sent to jail. Greg gets the proof he was looking for that Lance was set up by Melissa and he tells her she has 48 hours to turn herself into the police. Robin shocks Cole with her news.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – …And the Fall


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep27 – …And the Fall
First Aired: 3 May 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase celebrates with Connie after getting the loan necessary to bid with Angela. When Greg goes looking for Joel he learns that he died at Camp Mary Jane of a drug overdose. Greg ends up confronting Richard hoping he will reveal his part in framing Lance. Lorraine makes plans with Lance to leave the country. Lance manages to escape after the police show up where he is hiding out. Lorraine shows up and discovers that Lance is already gone. When she tries to get away from Richard on a fire escape she ends up falling several stories to the ground.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Decline…


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep26 – The Decline…
First Aired: 19 April 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Richard and Chase agree to press ahead and bid on the Helios deal. Maggie refuses to support Chase on his decision not to sell his share of Falcon Crest. Melissa is forced to give Pamela $100,000 so she won’t tell anyone that she hired Joel to frame Lance. Terry tells Greg about her past with Joel and where to find him now. Lorraine and Emma find out that Lance is hiding out in Chinatown. Angela offers Maggie the position of acting publisher for The Globe in an effort to destroy her marriage to Chase.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Devil’s Harvest


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep25 – Devil’s Harvest
First Aired: 12 April 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela takes over Lance’s position as publisher of The New Globe following his sentencing. Angela works out that if Falcon Crest agrees to a contract with Helios Foods, Richard and Chase will end up being in a large amount of debt and she will have the chance to be the sole owner of Falcon Crest once again. Chase turns down his wife’s request that he sells his part of Falcon Crest. Robin makes a play for Cole and tells him he could give Melissa the child she wants.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Justice for All


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep4 – Justice for All
First Aired: 29 March 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Cole isn’t happy with Connie’s interference in the champagne operation. Chase is able to convince her not to quit and she enjoys spending time with him. When the jury are unable to reach a verdict in Lance’s trial the judges orders them to deliberate once again. When Maggie sees Richard talking with the judge she is determined to find out what is going on between the two of them. Robin sees Melissa’s search for a surrogate mother as a chance to get closer to Cole. Richard and Cole are used by Damon and Cassandra. Lance ends up being found guilty and the judge sentences him to seven years in jail.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Trial


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep23 – The Trial
First Aired: 15 March 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: The judge in Lance’s trial is bribed by Richard. Cole and Melissa think about finding a surrogate mother to carry them a child. Connie is employed by Chase to help Cole with their champagne production. Cassandra and Damon plan their revenge on Angela. Cassandra has to make sure that Richard doesn’t find out about the plan who finds her intriguing. When Melissa’s cousin, Robin, shows up for a visit she sets her sights on Cole.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – House Divided


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep22 – House Divided
First Aired: 8 March 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Cole and Melissa spend their honeymoon in Tahiti. Connie Giannini is convinced by Chase not to sell the land she has inherited to Angela. Pamela thinks Richard is making a mistake rejecting Lorraine when she needs him the most. Richard turns down Lorraine’s efforts to reconcile and she finds life tough living at Falcon Crest. Lance and Lorraine learn that his trial will start next week.

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Soap Opera Digest – 26 February 1985

Simon MacCorkindale as Greg Reardon in Falcon CrestSimon MacCorkindale

Not Just Another Pretty Face

“I’m here,” says Simon MacCorkindale, “to offer something different.” He says this standing against the backdrop of Los Angeles, the twinkling lights of the city spread below him like so many Christmas trees, A slight, self-deprecating smile humbles the theatricality of the moment. “There are only a few English actors who can capture an American accent and pull it off. Peter Ustinov is one, I’m another. But if I used an American accent, I’d be just another American actor. So, I’m holding onto the English accent. At least for now.” It should serve him in good stead. As Boston-bred, English-educated lawyer-on-the-rise, Greg Reardon, Simon is currently appearing as one of the newest and more continental additions to the wicked wine country of “Falcon Crest.”

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Recriminations


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep21 – Recriminations
First Aired: 22 February 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: A furious Melissa confronts Angela blaming her for Cole walking out on her. Cole and Melissa are able to sort out their problems and are finally married. Lance asks Lorraine to marry him. Angela lets Richard know about the engagement and pregnancy before Lorraine has the chance to tell him. A furious Richard throws Lorraine out and tells her in his eyes she is now dead.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Forsaking All Others


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep20 – Forsaking All Others
First Aired: 15 February 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance is shocked to see his mother at Falcon Crest. Julia will spend the rest of her sentence at a convent in Oregon after Angela and Greg are able to get a judge to agree to it. Angela makes plans to purchase Sam’s estate. Richard meets with Cassandra Wilder. Greg still refuses to give up on Melissa. Melissa finds it impossible to tell Cole that she can’t have anymore children and Angela takes great pleasure in breaking the news to him. Feeling like that Melissa has been lying to him, Cole ends up jilting Melissa.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Retribution


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep19 – Retribution
First Aired: 8 February 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela comes face to face with her daughter at Riebmann’s house. Chase, Richard and Greg come up with a plan to rescue her. Riebmann ends up being followed by Richard into an old mineshaft where the treasure has been hidden. Chase, Pamela and Chao-Li are forced to watch on in horror as the mineshaft begins to give way. Gustav and Renee end up being buried with the treasure after Richard manages to escape. Lance tries to convince Lorraine not to abort the baby. Melissa and Cole learn they might not be able to get married for two years as her annulment with Lance could take that long. Instead they decide to have a civil ceremony.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Showdown


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep18 – The Showdown
First Aired: 1 February 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: The lorry delivering the first shipment of Francesca’s wine for bottling is hijacked. Richard thinks Chase is responsible and confronts him. Chase believes that Riebmann and the cartel are responsible. Riebmann listens in and realizes he has to act fast after learning just how much Chase knows. Lorraine finds out that she is going to have Lance’s baby. A gun is pointed at Angela.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Acid Tests


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep17 – Acid Tests
First Aired: 25 January 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase and Cole are forced to dump all the tainted champagne as Richard and Angela watch on. Chase believes that one of them poisoned it. Maggie decides to quit her job at the radio station following Richard’s determination to see Lance brought down. Maggie heads to Los Angeles to find her mother after she disappears. Chase meets with his step father, Alexander Nicola and learns more about his mother’s connections with the Cartel. Chase is determined to find out why Riebmann wants to control the valley. Judge Holder decides that Lance will stand trial for attempting to murder Angela.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Insult and Injury


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep16 – Insult and Injury
First Aired: 11 January 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance hopes that Maggie will be able to prove his innocent. When Maggie shows Angela the evidence she ends up believing Lance. Angela tells Lance if he stops seeing Lorraine she will get Greg to represent him in court. Lance and Lorraine split up but make plans to get back together following his court case. Maggie is upset when she finds out her pearls have gone missing. Riebmann decides to court Emma after he learns of Angela’s latest plan. Cole and Chase find out about the plan to undermine the production of champagne they are hoping to produce.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Conundrum


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S5Ep14 – Conundrum
First Aired: 10 January 1986
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance is told by Angela to bribe the pickers not to work for Chase. Lance decides to take Father Christopher along so he can show him how devious Angela can be. Christopher later confronts Angela about what she has done. Chase is able to turn the tables on Angela after finding out what she is up to. After signing a prenuptial agreement, Richard and Terry become husband and wife. Apollonia leaves to go on her tour and Emma persuades Lance to go after her. Jordan’s mother discovers the reason her daughter hates her father. Peter’s daughter tries to get his briefcase out of Angela’s clutches. Robin disappears with the baby after Melissa and Cole give her the money.

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