Posts Tagged ‘Falcon Crest’

SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Vicious Circle


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep15 – Vicious Circle
First Aired: 4 January 1985
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela refuses to bail Lance out of jail. Lorraine isn’t happy when she hears Richard asking Maggie to report on what has happened with Lance. Chase improves the security at the house and he also buys a gun. Chase also finds out from Herb Boutilier in Washington that Ben never worked for the government. Charlotte meets up with a former gambling partner and loses big time at the race track. In order to keep him away from Terry, Richard sends Joel to a drug rehabilitation facility. Angela disinherits Lance again despite his claims he was set up. Lance ends up moving in with Lorraine.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Suitable for Framing


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep14 – Suitable for Framing
First Aired: 28 December 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Melissa offers Joel $50,000 to discredit Lance in Angela’s eyes after she is furious at being written out of the will. Joel locks Lance in a warehouse and then dresses up like him and tries to run Angela off the road. After Lance is released from the warehouse he is arrested for the attempted murder of his grandmother. Spheeris is told by Gustav to tail Chase and Ben. Ben is killed after he and Chase are set up. Charlotte finds her gambling habit kicking in again.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Winner Take All


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep13 – Winner Take All
First Aired: 21 December 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Lance is reinstated as as Angela’s sole heir after she removes Melissa out of the will. Gustav poses as a psychiatrist to gain Julia’s trust. Chase looks around Falcon Crest with Ben for surveillance devices. Gustav hears them talking about Henri DeNault with Angela and he instructs Spheeris to investigate Ben. Cole wonders if he can trust Melissa as Greg continues to make a play for her. Joel gives Terry back the necklace he stole and asks her to marry him. Angela tries to make Charlotte gamble again at the Turf Club. Chase decides not to tell Maggie about his plan to go to Europe with Ben to look for Johann.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Triumvirate


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep12 – The Triumvirate
First Aired: 14 December 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Richard lets Terry know that he knows she is being blackmailed by Joel and promises to help her get rid of him if she sells her harvest to him. Spheeris and Riebmann continue to turn Julia against Angela by telling her that she has granted them permission to perform a lobotomy on her. Ben Landale, shows up at Falcon Crest claiming to work for the U.S. Government with the orders to look for Johann Riebmann. Melissa agrees to become Cole’s wife following her divorce from Lance. Angela manages to locate Maggie’s mother, Charlotte Pershing and has her taken to the radio station. Greg learns from Angela that Charlotte has gambling problems which will cause problems from Maggie and Chase.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Going Once, Going Twice


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep11 – Going Once, Going Twice
First Aired: 7 December 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Julia is taken to Reibmann’s estate, where she is locked in a room which looks like a hospital room. She is told by a nurse that Lucas has been arrested for hiding a criminal. When the television is turned on she sees a news report which covers her arrest. Julia wonders how anyone knew she survived the fire. She becomes upset when a doctor tells her Angela found out she was calling Emma and turned her in. Reibmann who has been watching from behind a two-way mirror is pleased with Julia’s reaction. Angela isn’t happy when she finds out that Francesca has left and that the agreement is missing as well. Chase is determined to see Angela brought to justice for trying to frame him for causing the accident. Terry pulls a gun on Joel after he wants more money from her. The judge decides that Francesca is entitled to a third of Falcon Crest and orders a redistribution of all the company’s land. Francesca decides to return to Italy and announces she will sell her share to the highest bidder. Reibmann ends up being the highest bidder but Francesca ends up deciding not sell to him as he is stranger. Angela is shocked when she finds out that Francesca is selling her share to Richard

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Tarantella


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep10 – Tarantella
First Aired: 30 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: When Chase finds out Jasper’s will is being re-opened, he confronts Angela. Chase finds out that Francesca is selling her third of Falcon Crest to Angela in an effort to save her Italian vineyards. He also learns from Francesca that Angela told her he would be pleased she is selling to Angela. Cole moves in with Melissa despite his parent’s misgivings. After Richard is unable to keep Lorraine and Lance apart he warns Lance not to hurt her. Francesca manages to get her hands on the agreement she signed to sell her share of Falcon Crest to Angela. Gustav’s men manage to kidnap Julia.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Trump Card


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep9 – The Trump Card
First Aired: 23 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Senator Silverlake is confronted by Chase with the evidence that he was bribed into faking the F.A.A. reports. After he admits the truth, Chase is cleared of being responsible for the crash. Lorraine isn’t happy after Lance reports that Richard is involved with the criminal underworld. Lorraine resists Lance’s advances when he makes a play for her. Gustav and Richard both try and get closer to Francesca so they can get their hands on her share of Falcon Crest. Angela is still able to out maneuver them and get Francesca to sell to her. Maggie learns that her birth father died during the second world war. Greg remains determined to pursue a relationship with Melissa after she tells him she can’t see him anymore.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Pain and Pleasure


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep8 – Pain and Pleasure
First Aired: 16 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela is shocked when she finds out that Francesca has evidence that she is Angela’s half-sister and is entitled to a third of Falcon Crest. Angela tries to make a deal with Francesca to buy her share. Julia shares her concerns with Lucas and when she tries to turn herself in the police refuses to believe she is who she says she is. Chase is helped by Emma get the proof that Buzz Whitehead was bribed into lying to the F.A.A. investigator. Greg is determined to stop Melissa and Cole from getting back together.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Intruder


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep7 – The Intruder
First Aired: 9 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase, Maggie and Cole learn that Sam Giannini has been murdered. Lance exploits Sam’s murder in the newspaper. Maggie gets a job at Richard’s new radio station. Stephanie arrives in the valley and tells her daughter, Lorraine more about Richard’s past actions. Gustav threatens Mary Giannini and tells her she will end up dead like her husband if she doesn’t sell the property to him. Chase is furious that somebody is trying to frame him for causing the plane crash. Francesca Gioberti arrives in the valley.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Lord of the Valley


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep6 – Lord of the Valley
First Aired: 2 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: When Sam Giannini refuses to sell his land to Gustav, he has Spheeris pay Sam another visit that night. Richard buys the radio station KRDC and makes Frank Taggert the new general manager after firing all the current staff. Chase and Maggie head to New York so they can try and learn more about her real parents. Joel shows Terry the proof that they are still married, and she is forced to hand over another $10,000 to buy his silence. Lorraine Prescott, Richard’s stepdaughter, arrives in the valley. Julia appears to Emma again and asks her for money but also insists she doesn’t tell anyone she has seen her.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Shadows


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep5 – Shadows
First Aired: 26 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Pamela learns that Richard’s attacker is Padgett. Padgett tries to leave town after failing to eliminate Richard and Gustav is furious that Richard is still alive. Lance becomes publisher at the newspaper. Chase loses his position as head of the airport authority. Maggie is mugged by Joel who needs money to pay his his drugs habit. Joel later gets a job from Cole as the new transportation foreman for the vineyards. Emma thinks she has heard Julia calling her.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – The Outcasts


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep4 – The Outcasts
First Aired: 19 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela is given a bugged falcon statue by the Cartel and they eavesdrop on her plan to gain control of The New Globe. Joel McCarthy, Terry’s ex husband arrives in the valley and claims that they were never divorced. He wants $25,000 from her to keep the truth a secret. Angela gives evidence to the plane crash investigators which implicates Chase. She later calls in a favor with Senator Silverlake. Angela takes over the newspaper after Emma gives her the stock she has.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Strangers


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep3 – Strangers
First Aired: 12 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Angela and Lance work against Chase in the FAA’s investigation into the crash. Buzz Whitehead is bribed by Angela to say that Chase had been drinking prior to the flight and had also ignored the fuel leak warning on the plane. Chase is determined to find out the truth about what happened and vows to make Richard pay if he finds out the Cartel are responsible. Gustav shows up in the valley determined to get his hands on the treasure buried under Falcon Crest. Angela, Lance and Greg work together to gain control of The Globe from Richard. After Maggie’s father shows up for a visit, Angela reveals to her that she is really adopted.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Father’s Day


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep2 – Father’s Day
First Aired: 5 October 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Chase suffers with nightmares about the crash and is concerned that he could have done more to bring the plane into land safely. Greg Reardon is offered a job by Angela as her new lawyer and promises to help launch his political career in one year if he takes the position. Spheeris points a gun at Richard as he gets into his car. Richard refuses to help the Cartel get Falcon Crest. As Johann gets into his limousine it instantly explodes while Gustav watches pleased that his father is dead.

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SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Requiem


Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep1 – Requiem
First Aired: 28 September 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: Melissa and Cole wait at the rescue site as helicopters arrive with the survivors from the plane crash. Angela says that Philip is dead after being brought in. Michael is also revealed as having perished. Richard believes that the Cartel was responsible for what happened as Chase maintains convinced the plane was sabotaged. Angela thinks Chase is responsible for what happened and vows to make him pay. Linda is in a critical condition at the hospital and Cole makes plans with her for their future. Linda tells Cole how much she loves him and then passes away in his arms. Terry finds out that she is now a rich woman. The Cartel meet in Buenos Aires where Johann reveals that the ultimate goal is to reclaim a valuable Third Reich treasure buried under Falcon Crest.

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