SMCFP On This Day: Quatermass – An Endangered Species

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Series: Quatermass
Episode: S1Ep4 – An Endangered Species
First Aired: 14 November 1979
Character: Joe Kapp

Description: Quatermass emerges from the car park to find the stadium empty. So many have now been harvested that the particles of dust in the air have turned the sky green. Kapp attempts to repair his equipment in order to contact the alien presence, but the Planet People destroy his efforts. They try to persuade him to join them but he refuses, convinced now that his family are dead. Quatermass, aided by Gurov, who has travelled to London from Moscow, assembles a team of scientists to find a solution. He deliberately selects old people for the task as they are immune to the effects of the alien force. Quatermass decides to set a trap. He plans to fake the presence of a large gathering of Planet People at Kapp’s observatory and, when the force comes, to detonate a nuclear weapon


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