Obsessive Love – Press Pack – 1984

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A Biography of Simon MacCorkindale

Simon MacCorkindale is undoubtedly the only actor in theatrical history to go from a guest-starring role on TV’s “The Dukes of Hazzard” to performing the title role of “MacBeth” on the London stage.

In the Moonlight Productions II telefilm “Obsessive Love” the handsome actor gets to play another new character. Simon is the star of a television soap opera who finds himself caught up in a dangerous and bizarre love affair with one of his fans, Yvette Mimieux.

Offbeat roles are nothing new for MacCorkindale. He starred in the NBC teleseries “Manimal” for the 1983 season in which he was transformed into everything from a black leopard to a high flying hawk.

“Ive been hanged, beheaded, drowned and tortured in my film and television roles,” he explained philosophically. “I guess the worst of the lot was when I got devoured by a 35-foot shark in ‘Jaws 3-D.’

Such drastic experiences seem odd for the native of Cambridge, England, who was trained in classic theatre and who made his international television debut in Franco Zeffirelli’s “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Since that time he has been active in all areas, including films such as “Death on the Nile” with Peter Ustinov and the mini-series “The Manions of America.” On stage/ he has directed plays such as “Sleuth” and starred in others, including “A Doll’s House.”

Since 1981, MacCorkindale has divided his time between England and the United States. He and his brother, Duncan, along with actor Gareth Thomas are partners in a London based’ company, Pendant Entertainment Productions, which is developing projects for the screen. Whenever his busy schedule permits, he enjoys writing, and he is currently working on a novel.

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