SMCFP On This Day: Falcon Crest – Lord of the Valley

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Series: Falcon Crest
Episode: S4Ep6 – Lord of the Valley
First Aired: 2 November 1984
Character: Greg Reardon

Description: When Sam Giannini refuses to sell his land to Gustav, he has Spheeris pay Sam another visit that night. Richard buys the radio station KRDC and makes Frank Taggert the new general manager after firing all the current staff. Chase and Maggie head to New York so they can try and learn more about her real parents. Joel shows Terry the proof that they are still married, and she is forced to hand over another $10,000 to buy his silence. Lorraine Prescott, Richard’s stepdaughter, arrives in the valley. Julia appears to Emma again and asks her for money but also insists she doesn’t tell anyone she has seen her.


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