Special Tele – December 1991

Simon MacCorkindale

Simon MacCorkindale: “I’m not jealous of my wife’s past”

Translated from the original French, so readability is a little strange.  Translated by SMCFP Member Nadeia

Simon MacCorkindale seems to be predestined for TV shows. Before he asserted his discrete but effective charm in Falcon Crest, where he seduced Ana-Alicia, for example, the athletic actor had already been noticed thanks to Manimal, in which he could transform into any animal to solve mysteries. Since he left Falcon Crest, Simon MacCorkindale hasn’t appeared in any TV shows. In Counterstrike, a new detective TV show, he plays a member of action team charged to solve mysteries.

“I needed to be back to work” he says, “after a while, not working doesn’t do me any good”.

To help him in those times of doubt, Simon MacCorkindale can count on the presence of his wife at his side, Susan George, a British actress, who dated Prince Charles. “I have always associated my success with the presence of my wife”, he says, “she is the motor of my life, she’s the one I want to fight and succeed for”.

First married in 1976 to Fiona Fullerton, a James Bond Girl, Simon MacCorkindale had met Susan, his second wife, while she has been suffering a nervous breakdown for two years. “She was not happy, her career had stopped and thought she was really ill” explains the actor, who will celebrate, 40th birthday in February. “To calm her down, her doctor had given her some medicine, but it made her put on weight, and the more she was putting on weight, the more anxious she became!”

Fortunately, Simon MacCorkindale knew how to take her out of this vicious circle. “However, I’ve had to ask her to marry me four hundred times before she accepted. That day, I felt, moved to tears. It was on a Sunday afternoon, Susie was in the kitchen cooking something while I was talking about our future life when we would have children. She joined me in the living room and said ‘Yes, I want to marry you’. We started both to cry like children!”

A few month later, Susan and Simon got married secretly in the Fiji Islands. They are now living in superb flat on the last floor of the highest building on Sunset Strip, in Los Angeles. “We have accumulated so many things in this flat !” he explains, “the black and white shelves are Susan’s, and the antique curios are mine. It comes from my family and from my travels.”


He wanted to be a pilot in the RAF

Born on February the 12th in 1952, his father was a captain in the RAF, Simon MacCorkindale didn’t want to embrace the actor’s career. He wanted to follow his father’s footsteps and enter the army. But the iron discipline discouraged him. The actor went then on his first actor’s steps on the big screen. His most famous movie stays “Jaws 3”, a 3D movie.  “My screen partners where then some dangerous sharks, but in Hollywood, I met some people much more ferocious and dangerous than those sharks!”

After some difficult years, Simon MacCorkindale can be smiling again thanks to the tv show Counterstrike. Now, he is a very happy man. “What makes me happy is to go back home at night and find Susan again in our flat. I like very much to stay at home and cook. After the working day, I don’t think back to work and enjoy to be at home. Her past? I’m not jealous of it. Believe me, we laugh a lot reading all the silly things journalists are writing about us”.



Date and birth place: February 12th (Aquarius) 1952, in Ely, Cambridge. His father was a captain in the Royal Air Force.

Status: Divorced from Fiona Fullerton (who he married on the July 10th 1976), now married to Susan George

Starts: Simon wanted to join the army, but after discovering the military life, he changed his mind and looked toward a new horizon, especially toward the dramatic arts. At the end of his studies, as he didn’t have any roles, he worked half time for real estate agents. Finally, he signed his first contract, it was a commercial for cider. He created his own theater company in 1976 and produced “The Importance of Being Oscar” for the Cambridge festival. Now, his career was on, he became famous playing in “Death on the Nile”, in 1978.

Hobbies : Collecting animal statuettes, and spends most of his time in safaris taking pictures

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