Tele K7 – 13-19 July 1996

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Simon MacCorkindale Half-man Half-animal

Translated from the original French, so readability is a little strange.  Translated by SMCFP Member Nadeia

Actor becoming producer, Simon MacCorkindale has been cultivating his passion for animals in his farm, with his wife for twelve years on his side. At the time, he was filming “Manimal”…

A real gentleman farmer this animal of  MacCorkindale, who settled in a 17th century farm, in the north west of London, lives happy days.

TK7 :  Have you been marked by “Manimal” ?
Surprisingly, yes. I say surprisingly because they keep on talking to me about a TV show filmed in 1983 in three months! Manimal was a very ambitious production, an ecological-zoological project. I have been marked by this show because it gave me the passion for animals.

TK7 :  And now you are a farmer !
Let’s say I love my animals. I use to look after my sheep, my thoroughbreds, my ewes. I even collect animal figurines. I like much better frequenting animals than being with some bipeds standing for fellow men.


TK7 :  Your way of living ?
We share our time my wife and I between the farm and our office in London. On coming 5th of October Susan (George, co-star of Dustin Hoffman in Straw Dogs, note from the editor) and I will celebrate our twelve year wedding anniversary. I think our happiness is lasting because we keep it far away from public life and from curious people. With Susan, we created our own production company, Amy and Pendant International.


TK7 :  You don’t regret Hollywood ?
I am 44 years old, I have had a nice career even if I have never been spoilt by my parts : I have been killed by Mia Farrow in Death on the Nile, hurt in Cabo Blanco, drowned in I, Claudius. In 1983, I welcomed “Manimal” as a rescue, a part with many plays : man-panther, man-eagle, man-leopard. Alas, it didn’t last …


TK7 : Why ?
The TV show has been very criticised by the press. Some were wondering why I was still dressed after each transformation into an animal. I was shocked by the critics’ behaviour. And I was divorcing… Then I met Susan. A few months after Manimal we got married in the Fiji Islands.


TK7 : What are your projects ?
At present, we are selling the rights of our new TV show, The Way to Dusty Death (new, never shown) and promoting my first movie as a director, The House that Mary Bought (new, never shown). Since a long time I am dreaming of adapting the legend of Héloïse and Abelard. Each year I go to the Cannes festival with my projects. But medieval movies are expensive! I am not Mel Gibson!


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