SMCFP On This Day: Casualty – Living for the Moment

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Series: Casualty
Episode: S17Ep16 – Living for the Moment
First Aired: 28 December 2002
Character: Harry Harper

Description: Diane, a patient admitted early on, has Parkinson’s but her symptoms are not consistent with that disease. Could the fact that her police inspector husband’s been feeding her ecstasy tablets help explain her condition? Then what about the young man who woke up the night after the party with a cut on his head? Is he a clumsy drunk or just wasting valuable resources of the department? Having avoided her since the incident at the Christmas party, Simon finally admits to Colette that he wants nothing further from her. The question on everyone’s mind is why did Colette ever marry Josh? Meanwhile, Roxy becomes extremely close to a male patient; and after Nikki catches Fin and Comfort kissing she uses the knowledge to her advantage


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