We Love Telly – Daily Mirror – 8-14th March 2008

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Bye, Bye Harry

Consultant Harry Harper was shocked by the breakdown of poor Ruth – who was so overworked she attempted suicide.  ‘He decides to publish her diary to heighten awareness of the plight of these doctors says actor Simon MacCorkindale, who this week plays his final scenes as Harry, with the dashing doc in trouble for airing the hospital’s dirty laundry in public.


Simon MacCorkindale’s top three Casualty memories…

  1. I enjoyed the episode with the helicopter crash that introduced him. Harry was lucky enough to be in a lot of the big action episodes.
  2. The scenes where Harry supported Guppy when his father was dying were very strong. I think the department will be poorer without Harry.
  3. After my final scene it hit me like a thunderbolt that I was leaving. I will miss the cast and the character, but I have to move on and take a gamble.

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