SMCFP On This Day: New Tricks – Good Morning Lemmings

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Series: New Tricks
Episode: S7Ep5 – Good Morning Lemmings
First Aired: 8 October 2010
Character: Sir David Bryant

Description: Brenda and the team reopen the investigation into the murder of graffiti artist Danny Tyler who died from a head trauma caused by a blunt instrument. Their interest in the case has arisen from the appearance of recent graffiti proclaiming ‘I Killed Flak”, Flak being Tyler’s street name. Tyler had acquired a level of fame and his work is now quite valuable. They have CCTV footage of the latest graffiti artist but the person can’t really be identified. There was clearly friction among the taggers in Tyler’s clique, not the least of which due to his rising fame and they were also involved in a string of ATM robberies. When the ‘I Killed Flak’ graffiti is shown to be a publicity stunt, they look at an art patron as a possible suspect. Meanwhile, Brian has taken to using Twitter with the user-name topcop999 but his fascination with it results in him becoming sloppy in his daily work.


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